Some specific terms and conditions apply to the website and all data & resources available on it. Our terms & conditions are renewed at seldom so it is recommended to read all terms and conditions carefully.

Before gaining access to the website, it is suggested to read all terms and conditions correctly to avoid any sort of confusion. If you are visiting our website to get benefit from our site it shows that you acknowledge all the terms and conditions. If you are not satisfied with our terms and conditions and you do not want to accept them, it is requested not to access this website. The minimum age requirement to have a reach on our website is 10 years.

  2. If you are interested in publishing any blog or post on BH Energy Solutions site, it will be your responsibility to check its safety concerns and activities associated with it. You will be responsible for any sort of action taken using your account. You must ignore any inappropriate information, improper keywords or any illegal actions as can delete your content, details, or inappropriate keywords involving illicit information. If you find out any official member using your account or you are liable for a security violation, you should instantly inform the team of as we will not be accountable for any of your actions. Whether your data harm any third party's honor or include illegal activity, you will be held accountable for it. doesn’t claim or support your activities on its site.

  3. Disclaimer
  4. If you make a blog for this website, like content, write comments, or upload content containing images, audio data, or computer programs, you are independently accountable for your activity. Additionally, if you provide access to any third party on your web content, available on our website, we are not responsible for any loss. If you are willing to post your content, you should follow the following conditions.

    • Any downloading, content usage, or copying must not impact the proprietary rights, logotype, copyright, or license of any third-party consumer. The trademarked rights of all external parties should not be breached or reused by unauthorized members.
    • If you want to upload content regarding our website involving intellectual property, you should request for permissions from our management team.
    • You are suggested to read all the terms & conditions of third-party granting before uploading any type of content and make sure that you have read all the rules before sharing material with end users.
    • The content you are uploading should not be Al-generated. Aside from, immoral or trading content that attracts users to third-party websites is restricted. Moreover, illegal actions like imitating i.e. misguiding clients to other websites are also banned.
    • You are not allowed to post any pornographic content. Also, it should not encourage any sexual abuse towards a particular individual. And it doesn’t breach the rights of third-party.
    • The blog you post should not contain any junk email or links that misguide the visitors to other websites. Furthermore, the title of your blog should not be confusing for readers or violate any other firm’s rights or individual identity.
    • If your content does not belong to the resources of our site, you should classify it based on its class, character, applications, etc. to elaborate its purpose & how it relates to
    • If you agree with all the terms given above, it depicts that your legacy to this website is authentic and you just want to post the content for trading purposes. If you long for deleting your posted material from our site, we appreciate your request. Moreover, caching citations to the content will not be discarded instantly.

    However, if the content you posted infringes the contract given above, will proceed as follows:

    • Delete any content that is against our terms, illegal, or damaging to visitors.
    • Limit any individual to approach the website.
    • We offer no refund policy to visitors
  5. Payment Procedures & Renewal Process
  6. If you are benefiting from any prepaid offers, you only need to pay once whether monthly or yearly. Paying procedure will be shown to you when you signed up for a new account. Later on, you will pay according to the selected subscription plan. You must need to know that your paid amount will be nontransferable.

    Unless you let us know regarding your cancellation intention, your annual fee will be resumed automatically through your debit card or other payment procedure. If you are willing to terminate the payment plan, you can end it anytime. To cancel the subscription, you are required to request to so we can take actions.

Third-Party Content

BH Energy Solutions does not analyze all of the posted content on the website or other pages related to so will not be accountable for the content posted by any third-party individual. You should take mandatory measures to save browsing from all irrelevant viruses and bad content we deny damage caused by your use of the website or other related webpage.